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Friday, October 4, 2013

Shout Out a Teacher Week

Dear Mr. Hensley,
            I just wanted to thank you for giving me the motivation to write. Coming into my freshman year, I absolutely did not like writing at all. Once we started doing essays and reading interesting novels like To Kill a Mockingbird, I realized that I really enjoy writing. You kept English interesting and that kept me attentive. I can honestly say you are the main reason I am currently in Journalism. That has also helped me break out of my shell and now I’m not as quiet or shy as I was early freshman year. I really appreciate you as teacher. I really appreciate you as a person as well. You have a good soul, sir!

Dear Mr. Loope,
            Let me just say I gain IQ points whenever I’m in your class. You are an intelligent and knowledgeable individual. You are also very witty and keep my attention. I am really enjoying your class and it makes me wish that the class were yearlong. Your stories of past students and personal experiences always hit me. The stories can vary from funny to humbling and I feel like current students can learn from you even if they have not yet. Your future students can learn as well. 
Twitter: @OddKingz 
Instagram: @Eli_Harris96

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