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Friday, January 17, 2014

Ask Lucy & Lauren

Dear Lauren,
      I have been good friends with this girl for a couple years, and we are really close to each other. She is in a relationship, and it’s her first serious relationship. He doesn’t like when she has friends, or hangouts with people other than him. How do I tell her that he is controlling her without risk of losing her as a friend?
                                          Worried Sister

Dear Worried Sister,
            Every girl goes through that type of relationship where they only want to be around their significant other. I don’t think the fact that he is basically controlling her is healthy, or that she even realizes that she is being controlled. She may be blinded by love. I know that is so cliché and dumb, but tons of people actually experience that. My advice would be to talk to her. Don’t be rude and mean about it. Just say that you don’t approve with how her relationship is going, and that this boy won’t be there forever like you will be. Maybe she will listen maybe she won’t. Don’t make her feel like the victim, and always be there for her. She will need it when they break up.

Dear Lauren,
            My brother goes to Tennessee Tech for college. He and I are really close, and I never know how to handle him leaving. How do I handle him being gone?
                                                                                                            Lonely Sister

Dear Lonely Sister,
            I have never been in your situation, because my brother is younger than me. I have some advice for you that I hope helps. First tell him that you already miss him, and ask him if he will set-aside sometime to where you two could skype or talk just the two of you. Another way is distract yourself. Hang out with friends or a boyfriend as much as possible. Join a sport that will take a ton of time from your day so you aren’t thinking about your brother. I hope that helps a little!

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