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Friday, October 3, 2014

DIY Halloween Decoration

Trystan Hurst
            It’s finally October and all everyone thinks about in the month of October is Halloween. It’s not really Halloween without a little decoration. There are some easy crafts you can make for the upcoming holiday by yourself!
What You’ll Need:
·      Canvas
·      Paint (orange & black; or just Halloween themed)
·      12"x12"x1-1/2" small chalkboard
·      Halloween themed ribbon (1 YD, maybe less or more)
·      Scissors
·      Tacks (or you can use glue gun again)
·      Hot glue gun
·      Paint (to your liking) or colored chalk
How to:
·      First, you will need to paint the canvas with any color of your choice. Make sure it is that one solid color.
·      Then, you will need to hot glue the chalkboard on top once the paint is dry.
·      Next, you will need to cut the ribbon to fit around the chalkboard and glue it down, then let it dry.
·      After the glue dries, you will need to take ribbon and either glue or tack it on the back of the canvas to make a loop to hang it up from.
·      Once the glue is dried, use the chalk to write on the chalkboard something scary or Halloween related such as : “Ghostly greetings!”, “Stop in for a spell!”, “Please park all brooms at the door!” or another catchy phrase.
·      Once everything is dry, choose a place to display it such as your living room, kitchen or front door!

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