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Friday, January 24, 2014

Ask Lucy and Lauren

Dear Lucy,

            I’m a very emotional person and I tend to have trouble controlling my emotions when I’m speaking to people. How can I keep from absolutely losing it when I’m facing someone?

                                                ~Emotional Emma

Dear Emma,

            I know it can be hard sometimes controlling your emotions, I’ve been in your position. You feel an enormous amount of pressure to keep yourself together but that doesn’t mask the awful thoughts that are running through your head. When you’re in this situation just take a deep breath, excuse yourself, and walk away. There is nothing wrong with putting a hold on the conversation to regain your composure. If you feel like the issue absolutely needs to be addressed then maybe you can find a mature way to discuss the problem that won’t lead to you crying in their face.

                                                Stay strong and smile!

Dear Lucy,

            My boyfriend can’t go to prom but I was really looking forward to going with him. I still want to go, but not alone. What should I do?

                                                ~Sad Sally

Dear Sally,

            That really sucks that your boyfriend can’t go with you but you can always go with friends! I know you were probably really excited to go with him but you can always get dressed up and go eat another time. Sure, it won’t be the same but it could still be fun! Find a good group of friends and tag along with them, that could be just as much fun!

                                    I hope you still have a fun time!

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