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Monday, April 7, 2014

Spring Smoothies

The temperature is rising and so are the rates of dehydration. With this going on, people should stay hydrated and drink a lot of liquids. Yes, water is the number one thing to drink to avoid becoming dehydrated but why just stick with boring water to drink? Why not drink something that is healthy, fun, and tasty to drink in the spring and summer time? Springtime smoothies are some of the best beverages to drink when the temperature starts to rise.
            One of the most popular smoothies to drink is fruit and oat smoothies. You can put any fruit and oats into a drink and blend it together to have a wonderful tasting drink. Popular fruits used for this are strawberries; bananas, mango and pineapple are so delicious to mix with oats and almonds. Yogurt is an important essential to include in these smoothies so it will be smooth to drink without chunks to choke on.
            Another popular beverage is the mango and yogurt smoothie. Even though this smoothie has a colorful appearance to it, it also has a sweet and tangy taste to it. Not too bitter and not too sweet is the perfect combination in a springtime smoothie. The easiest way to make a mango and yogurt is: 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1 1/2 cups low-fat plain yogurt, 
2 1/2 cups frozen mango chunks, 
and 1 tablespoon honey
and Juice from half lime. These delicious ingredients combined together are a refreshing and tasty treat for the hot springtime.
            Going green is a popular subject around the world right now. People talk about staying green and saving the world. Not only can you keep the world clean by going green, but also you can keep your body healthy by consuming green. The Green Ginger-Peach smoothie is one way to stay green. A handful of baby spinach is one way to keep the doctor away. By adding this ingredient with the others that are needed to make this smoothie, your body would feel so healthy and refreshed by the time you finish consuming the drink. Blending all these healthy elements in one, your body will stay fit and hydrated in no time.
Just by drinking some of these popular smoothies, spring and your body will feel rested and hydrated all spring. Colorful, delicious smoothies are the way to go and staying healthy is just a benefit from drinking them. 

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